Comics and Fun at super*Market Animator Show

Had a great time this weekend at the super*Market comic book show! Got to see a lot of friends and meet a lot of cool people!
super*Market comic book show at Meltdown

Ted Seko and Javier Hernandez had piles of their work for sale.
Ted Seko and Javier Hernandez at the super*Market comic book show at Meltdown

My table was right next to awesome painter, cartoonist and storyboard artist Pete Von Sholly. During the slow parts I got the chance to chat with him and look at his eye-poppingly beautiful paintings!
Pete Von Sholly at the super*Market comic book show

I'm glad I got to see Louie Del Carmen...I haven't seen him since he went over to Dreamworks.
Louie Del Carmen at Meltdown's super*Market comic book show

---and Dan Goodsell's table was right across from me! He's the co-author of one of my favorite books: "Krazy Kids' Food," the curator of The Imaginary World's Ray Patin Exhibit and the creator of Mr. Toast. And a really nice guy!
Dan Goodsell and Mr. Toast at the super*Market comic book show at Meltdown

That's me muggin' for the camera. Thanks to Jessica Gao for taking this photo and for putting on a really fun show!
Sherm Cohen at the super*Market comic book show at Meltdown
Also (not pictured)... had a chance to catch up with Erik Wiese and Jessica Chaffin from The Mighty B, Stuart Ng, Sean Kreiner, and Anson Jew. I got to meet Jerry Beck and Scott Shaw, and of course I got to meet a lot of rabid comics fans! See you at the next one!

Count Screwloose vs. Harry the Hoople Snake! Rare 1948 Comic Book Scans from Milt Gross

Here's another never-been-reprinted, scarcely-seen cartoon blast of brilliance from that Napoleon of nonsense, MILT GROSS! (Applause!!!)

Harry the Hoople-Snake chases after Count Screloose by Milt Gross

This frenetic five-pager from 1948 was hidden in the back of issue #14 of ACG Comics "The Kilroys," which is otherwise just a run-of-the-mill teen comedy Archie-wanna-be. I gotta thank Eddie Trigueros for turning me on to this book. He was even nice enough to let me scan it, but like a doofus, I lost all the scans when I was resizing the images in Photoshop.

Freaky cartoon guy pops out of a tree with a big cartoon worm on his nose milt-gross-count-screwloose

So I had to find the comic on eBay, and rescan my own copy. Good news is that these oddball funnybooks can be gotten online for not too much dough! I always try to find these golden-age cartoon and funny-animal comics in the worst condition possible. As long as they're readable, that's fine by me! I'd rather get four or five old crumbling comics for five bucks each than just one that's in more decent shape. Anyway, here are a few preview panels to get you warmed up...

Count Screwloose is scared of Harry the Hoople-Snake insane guy in the background runs with his umbrella

Harry the Hoople-Snake chases after Count Screloose by Milt Gross

There's no explanation for Harry the Hoople-Snake. He is what he is. It's a cartoon!

Harry the Hoople-Snake chases after Count Screloose by Milt Gross

milt-gross-count-screwloose bounces over the wall of the insane asylum

milt-gross-count-screwloose falls back to earth

So after escaping the nuthouse, Count Screwloose ends up as a contestant on a radio quiz show...

milt-gross-count-screwloose lands in a game show

milt-gross-count-screwloose on a game show speaks into a giant microphone

milt-gross-count-screwloose the audience applauds

What great crowds! Every face is hideously different. A real horror show for our hero.

milt-gross-count-screwloose all the ugly ladies love Screwloose and line up to kiss him

WHAPPO! Man, I love the energy in this drawing below --

milt-gross-count-screwloose whaps the emcee with the big microphone stand

As usual, Count Screwloose escapes back IN to the Balmycrest Booby-Hatch where life is not so crazy!

milt-gross-count-screwloose dives back into the BalmyCrest Booby-hatch insane asylum

The WHOLE five-page story is available to click on and download below.


Wow! The crowd LOVES it!

Just CLICK on each of the images below and a nice BIG comic book scan page will open in a new window. Enjoy!
Count Screwloose comic book scans by Milt Gross

Count Screwloose comic book scans by Milt Gross

Just CLICK on each of the images below and a nice BIG comic book scan page will open in a new window.
Count Screwloose comic book scans by Milt Gross

Count Screwloose comic book scans by Milt Gross

Count Screwloose comic book scans by Milt Gross

Fun + anarchy + cartooning genius = Milt Gross

A few months ago I posted a fantastic seven-page Count Screwloose comedy epic from ACG's Kilroys #5. Just CLICK below on the goofy dude smoking a mouthfull of cigars to jump over and see that delicious set of vintage comic book scans!
Milt Gross  comic book scan detail of a funny man smoking seven cigars at once

John K. wrote a couple posts that really sum up all that is wonderful about Milt Gross. Check out his insightful and heartfelt articles on Milt Gross HERE: all kinds of stuff: WOW. MILT GROSS. style, observation, sincerity, humanity
...and HERE: all kinds of stuff: Milt Gross comics, drawing with every principle EXCEPT construction

And the Asifa-Hollywood Animation Archive has some super scans of Milt Gross newspaper comics like Count Screwloose and Dave's delicatessen HERE.
UPDATE: There are a LOT more comic book scans to look at and download! Click HERE

super*MARKET - THE ANIMATOR SHOW! Come by and say, "Hi"

super*MARKET LA at Meltdown Comics
SUNDAY :: MARCH 30, 2008 12 pm-6pm

7522 Sunset Blvd
. Los Angeles, CA 90046

I'm gonna be hanging out at the super*MARKET show at Meltdown on Sunday (March 30). A whole bunch of cartoonists from the LA animation scene will be there too, showing and selling all the comics we make when we're not working on a show.

Cartooning:Character Design by Sherm Cohen

I'll be there signing copies of my Character Design book, as well as selling some original art from the SpongeBob comics that I've drawn over the last few years for Nickelodeon Magazine. If you're in the Los Angeles area, I hope you'll stop by and say hello! For more info, CLICK on the super*MARKET picture above, or CLICK HERE. See you there!

Jim Tyer Heckle and Jeckle Comics - FUNNY Stuff!

Here's a delightfully silly Heckle and Jeckle comic
by the great Jim Tyer!
Heckle and Jeckle excited crows reading newspaper in bed
Heckle and Jeckle in Red Hot Rails

My friend Eddie Trigueros brought a stack
of old Terrytoons comics into the studio lately,
and he was kind enough to let me scan
delicious Heckle and Jeckle romp
from the pages of a Mighty Mouse comic book.

Here are some preview panels, followed by some clickable links
that will open up nice big full pages so you can read the whole thing!
Have fun!

Heckle and Jeckle reading a newspaper in bed
Heckle and Jeckle - Cartoon Crow sees something exciting in the newspaper
Heckle and Jeckle excited crows reading newspaper in bed
Heckle and Jeckle says quick get dressed
Heckle and Jeckle cartoon comic book scan shows the crows running with piggy bank
I don't wanna give away the whole story, but just look at these great drawings! (If you want to skip down to the full clickable pages, just scroll down past these preview panels.)
Heckle and Jeckle and a bunch cute cartoon animals inside train
I love the way this whole story is set up in just a few
breakneck-paced panels! From here the story goes off on
half-a-dozen ridiculous comical tangents,
as you can see from some of the selected panels below...
Heckle and Jeckle cartoon Indian threatens crows with big knife
Comic Book Scan: detail of panel with cartoon Indian threatening Heckle and Jeckle with a knife
Heckle and Jeckle see aliens parachuting down
As if knife-wielding cartoon Indians weren't enough...ALIENS!
And The James Boys!
Heckle and Jeckle cartoon aliens
Heckle and Jeckle comic book scan: cartoon bandits stage a train robbery, but funny aliens interrupt the hold-up
Heckle and Jeckle cartoon robbers hold up the train, but funny aliens interrupt robbery
This whole comic feels like total stream-of-consciousness stupidity.
Something that's sorely missing from comics these days...
Heckle and Jeckle wink winking eye
Heckle and Jeckle scared cartoon bandits
Heckle and Jeckle with Cartoon Indians and cute funny animals and goofy train robbers
Our boys had a great get-rich-quick scheme, but like all great comedy plans, this one has a big hole in it...
Heckle and Jeckle with their money bag - Cartoon Indians use confederate currency
Heckle and Jeckle with a basket of vegetables
Heckle and Jeckle cartoon laughing crow
Here's the whole six-page story!
Just click on each page below and a nice BIG
image will open in a new window!
Heckle and Jeckle in Red Hot Rails

Cartoon animals ride the train
Click on each page below and a nice BIG
image will open in a new window
Cartoon train attacked by wild Indians

cartoons men from outer space and the James Boys attack the train
Click on each page below and a nice BIG
image will open in a new window
Here comes a whole tribe of man-eating cannibals Cartoon Train

Heckle and Jeckle dream of being millionaire railroad tycoons, but their Confederate money is no good
UPDATE: There's LOTS more
comic book scans to look at and download! Click HERE

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