How to Read Comics on Your iPhone 3G

"Is it possible to read comics on my new iPhone 3G?" was the first question on my mind after I finally got my hands on my new geeky gadget. I bet with all the new iPhone apps, somebody makes a .cbr reader for iPhone, right?

How to read a comic book on iPhone 3G
I got the iPhone 3G because it's a tiny little Internet browser (I don't even use it as a phone right now). I'm kind of addicted to reading the various comic book blogs, and I love the idea of being able to surf the comic-blogosphere while waiting in line or during bumper-to-bumper traffic. Kidding on that last one. For now.

I decided to see if I could find out how to read comic book scans on my iPhone. First stop: see if there is a comic book reader iPhone app that does the trick...hopefully an iPhone app that can read cbr cbz and pdf comic book scans. A Google search brought up a couple candidates, but they're hacks that require you to "jailbreak" your iPhone (in other words, hacking the iphone software and reprogramming it yourself). Look...I just spent a good chunk of change on this pretty gizmo...I'm not interested in "cracking" it! Nope...not going THAT route.

iPhone 3G comic book cbr reader
The built-in Photo viewer works pretty well, so I created a folder containing some Bob Hope comic scan jpegs. I created that comic folder by unzipping a standard .cbr comic book reader file into separate jpegs. I do that by changing the cbr extension to rar and then unarchiving them. Then I synced that image folder with my iPhone...

Good idea, but when I viewed the comic pages on the iPhone, I found them to have been magically degraded in much that images were too blurry to comfortably read. What gives? Turns out that the iPhone automatically "optimizes" (=ruins) the images when you import them. No workaround for this yet.

PDF files don't get degraded when you import them into your iPhone, but the iPhone needs a native PDF reader even more than it needs a comic book reader application. The only way to get a PDF file into your iPhone right now is to email it to yourself and read it as an attachment. I don't want to wait for a 35Mb download over the iPhone's bandwidth. Not a viable solution IMHO.

iPhone 3G used as a cbr cbz pdf comic book reader
Lastly, I used screen-capture software to take screen-caps of the individual panels of a comic story. I used SnagIt (which I love's like Photoshop for screengrabs) to capture and compile a folder full of single-panel -- or sometimes single-tier -- images which I then put in a folder and synced to the iPhone. This approach actually produced a nice readable iPhone comic!

how to read comic books on your iPhone 3G cbr reader
The only problem with this method was that it was extremely tedious and time-consuming to make individual captures of all those panels. Sigh.

All of the images above are panels from Foxy Fagan #1, imported into the iPhone by the last method I described.
I'm sure there's gotta be a better way... if any of you readers have any suggestions on how to read comics on an iPhone, I'd love to hear about them in the comments section!

I've just started a brand-new blog:

Come and click on over
for regular updates to the
iPhone comic-app scene.

For more discussions and info about
how to read comics on your iPhone,
check out the following links:

More links about using iPhone as Comic Book Reader:
Still More iPhone 3G comic links...but just for fun ^_^

Peanuts Comic Books -- Great Overview at

Charlie Brown and Schroeder are playing marbles in this Dell comic book story featuring Charles Schulz' Peanuts
There's a really great article at 
all about "Peanuts: A Comic Book History"

Charlie Brown is running to tell his friends about the Parade in town

In the words of the author, 
"It was fandom's first known attempt to collate all the information together about the comic book appearances of Schulz's Peanuts characters."

Check it out at:

Mighty Mouse Comic Book Scans at the Classic Cartoons Blog

Mighty Mouse Comic Book Scan by Harvey Eisenberg
There a sweet 15-page Mighty Mouse comic book scan over at
Duck Dodgers' Classic Cartoons Blog!

A giant cartoon cat is about to eat a little cartoon mouse in this comic book spalsh page from Mighty Mouse comics drawn by Harvey Eisenberg

Click on the splash page above to go see all FIFTEEN delicious pages of funny-animal super-heroics courtesy of Duck Dodgers! There's lots of other comics and cartoons to look at when you get there, so get ready for some good ol' fashioned classic cartoon fun!

Sheldon Mayer Funny Animal Comic Book Scans Links

...and now as a remedy to the horrible funny animal comics I posted yesterday, I'd like to share a link to a really cute Funny Animal comic book story by Sheldon Mayer.

From Kevin Langley's Cartoons, Model Sheets & Stuff, here's Dizzy Dog!

Cartoon rabbit flies through the air whoile drying his dishes in this comic drawing by Shelly Mayer
I love this hapless rabbit flying by while still drying his dishes.


Dizzy Dog freaks out when he hears that Bully Bear is back in town
It's a fun story with a simple set-up...but it's the joyful drawing and storytelling by Shelly Mayer that makes reading this story feel like a cool breeze on a summer day.


Bully Bear goes face-to-face with Dizzy Dog in this funny animal comic book story by Sheldon Mayer 
Go take a look at Dizzy Dog!


...and there's a nice overview of Shelly Mayer's life and work at Thad's Blog.
 Sheldon Mayer life and work
There are a lot of links to more comic scans and other Shelly Mayer goodies to browse thru.Go take a look!

Really Scary Funny Animal Comics - Karrots from All Good Comics 1944

Funny animal comics aren't supposed to be this creepy and scary. I feel like I'm recovering from a concussion or from food poisoning when I read this. It's not just horribly written, but the bad drawings are strangely compelling.

Karrots the cartoon rabbit visits his friend Goopy the Dog  from All Good Comics

Karrots the cartoon bunny rabbit goes hunting with Goopy the dog and sets a trap All-Good-Comics scan

Goopy the cartoon dog chases after a bird with shotgun in hand. Both Goopy and Karrots get caught in their own trap in All-Good-Comics comic book scans

Dig that crazy tangent in the fifth panel of the last page. Ouch.

Smiling Boy reading comic books cover from All Good Comics

In case you thought the whole comic can't be this bad, here's a Prof. Nudnik one-pager from the same comic that'll make you go, "Huh?"

Professor Nudnik one-pager comic book scan

Umm...yes. That's it. End of story. Okay...Check back tomorrow for some really GOOD funny animal comics...I promise!

Dan Gordon Comics Reprints in The Comics Journal #291

A number of months ago, after posting a bunch of Dan Gordon comic stories on the CartoonSNAP blog, I got an email from Michael Dean, the editor of The Comics Journal. He asked to borrow some Dan Gordon comic books so they could scan them and run the color pages in an upcoming issue of the magazine.

ACG Comics images © Roger Broughton 2009
cartoon dog, rabbit, owl, cat and horse in this comic drawing by animator Dan Gordon
Of course I said YES because I would love to have a part in helping comics readers discover the unbridled joy of the comic art of journeyman cartoonist and animator, Dan Gordon
The Comics Journal made super-high-resolution scans of Cookie and Funny Films for inclusion in their full-color comic-reprint section. I can't wait to see what it looks like. They even asked me to write an introductory article for the section -- only problem with that was I didn't really know that much about Dan Gordon's life. So I put out a call for help!

Cookie Comics by Dan Gordon -- Cookie, Jitterbuck and Angelpuss have a picnic at the beach

 ACG Comics images © Roger Broughton 2009
Fortunately, there are a lot of cool cartoonists and comics-aficionados who were more than eager to help me fill in the gaps. Thanks to: Mike Kazaleh, Kent Butterworth, Scott Shaw, Leonard Maltin, Mark Kausler, and Milton Knight, who were all very generous with their time and knowledge.
Of course, any shortcomings that may be in the article are mine, but there's no doubt that the big Dan Gordon comics section will look fantastic!

The Comics Journal #291 comes out TODAY... Wednesday July 16th, so If you'd like to have some full-color Dan Gordon comic book reprints on real paper (rather than reading them on your computer screen), make sure to pick up issue #291 of The Comics Journal at your local comics shop, bookstore or


I just looked through the finished printed copies of the book on the stands at my local comics shop, Burbank's awesome House of Secrets. Bottom line: Fantagraphics did a great job with the reproduction and printing. The comics look sharp and clear, but still retain that "old comics" yellowed-page look.
There are 32 full-color pages which include a Cookie story, two funny animal comedy comics starring Puss and Boots from ACG's Funny Films, and one story of the rabbit inventor, Blunderbunny!

George Carlson's Fantastical Comics: The Pie-Face Prince of Old Pretzelburg

George Carlson worked on a completely different plane than his cartooning contemporaries. The fanciful cartoon worlds that he created for Jingle Jangle Comics look fresh and new even after 65 years!

 This opening panel really gets you ready to dive in to his nonsensical fairy-tale comedy adventures!

The Pie-Face Prince of Old Pretzleburg was a series that ran in George Carlson's Jingle Jangle Comics from 1942 to 1949. This untitled episode is from issue #6, December 1943.
A few selected panels to whet your appetite for the full tale below:

"Taxi Cabbage"...I love that!

That's one smokin' moon!

Look at the cartoony faces on the trees
and that cute little hat on the sun.

Pie-Face gets kicked out of the taxi cabbage and finds himself
in a cave full of witches, bats and spiders...

George Carlson uses the panel borders to enhance
the creepy mood of this spooky panel of fly-by-night witches...

The page below is a great example of
George Carlson's beautiful panel and page layouts.
George-Carlson-Pie-Face-Prince-08-full-page-seven This page is a great example of George Carlson's beautiful panel and page layouts.
The cropped panels lose the visual magic and impact of the full-page,
so make sure you check out the big hi-res scans below
if you wanna see what happens next...

cartoon sailor rowing with fork and spoon while a green dragon sits behind smaoking a peppermint candy cane pipe George Carlson Jingle Jangle cover scan Pretzelburg

Click on any thumbnail to open a BIG high-resolution comic page scan
Comic Book Scans by George Carlson The Pie-Face Prince of Pretzelburg -01 The Pie-Face Prince of Pretzelburg 02
The Pie-Face Prince of Pretzelburg 03 The Pie-Face Prince of Pretzelburg 04 Comic Book Scans by George Carlson
Click on the thumbnails for BIG hi-res comic book scans
The Pie-Face Prince of Pretzelburg 05 The Pie-Face Prince of Pretzelburg 06
Comic Book Scans by George Carlson The Pie-Face Prince of Pretzelburg 07 The Pie-Face Prince of Pretzelburg 08 Comic Book Scans by George Carlson

Truly a feast for the imagination!

This entire issue #6 is available for download
...but make sure you follow the instructions at
the bottom of this>> Cookie Comics << post
to avoid frustration.

At The Golden Age Comics Downloads website, you'll find tons of scans of obscure old public domain comic books to download in .cbr and .cbz formats. If you don't know how to view a .cbr or.cbz file, don't worry - it's easy. Read this informative article on digital comic book formats:

For more about George Carlson and his trippy tales, see:
Four Page story at:

Supermouse - First Adventure of a Funny Animal Superhero

Supermouse has his first adventure in this comic book scan from the outstanding Nedor-a-Day comics blog!

Supermouse is flying as he carries two masked crooks in this golden age funny animal comic book scan
Read the Origin of Supermouse HERE

Here are some other Supermouse adventures online. The pictures below link to Supermouse scans at the Asifa-Hollywood Animation Archive and Pappy's Golden Age Comics Blog. Take a look...they're loads of fun!

Click on the images below to jump to the comic book pages

Comic Book Cover scan - A costumed flying cartoon mouse named Supermouse flies past a cartoon character who rides on a magic flying carpet

Supermouse walks into a top-secret room with a vault door 

Supermouse swings a cutlass in this swordfight scene aboard a cartoon pirate ship

Click on the images below to jump to the comic book pages

Supermouse on rocket from Pappys


...and if you like Supermouse, you'll probably wanna see these pages from another funny animal hero: Super Rabbit

super rabbit flies through the air carrying a carload of crooks in masks on this cover for Animated Movie-Tunes comic book

Funny Stuff if you're a Comic-Nerd Like Me

kyle piccolo comic shop therapist

Just to be clear: The video starts with the new trailer for The Dark Knight (which I'm diggin' a lot) but what's funny is the comedy short series called Kyle Piccolo - Comic Shop Therapist

...of course if you're NOT one of us comic book addicts who can't miss their Wednesday comics infusion, you may not agree. Anyway. Made me chuckle ^_^ More episodes at

Funny Animal Comic Book Scans from Thad K.

In the last few months, Thad K's classic animation blog has featured a beautiful pile of funny animal comic book scans by some of the greatest cartoonists of the golden age of cartoons! Here's a quick set of links to help you find and devour them!

(Click on any of the images below to jump right over to the full-page comic scans on Thad's blog.) Fox and Crow funny animal comic scans by Jim Davis
Fox & Crow Comic Scans by Jim Davis


Fox and Crow comics drawn by Owen Fitzgerald headbutt
Owen Fitzgerald Fox and Crow Comics


Cartoon Crow knocks on the door while cartoon Fox sits at dinner table
...even MORE Fox and Crow comics


Woody Woodpecker comics scans by John Stanley
Woody Woodpecker by John Stanley


Tom and Jerry comics drawn by Harvey Eisenberg Tom the cartoon cat is startled by loud sounds
Tom and Jerry by Harvey Eisenberg


Tom and Jerry Dell comic book cover by cartoonist Harvey Eisenberg Jerry the cartoon mouse paints Tom the cartoon cat with a checkerboard pattern
more classic Eisenberg Tom & Jerry comics


cartoon chicken hen rooster by Pogo artist Walt Kelly from Dell Animal Comics
Walt Kelly Animal Comics


Dell Donald Duck Comics by Carl Barks
Donald Duck Comics by Carl Barks


Cartoon moose argues with Barney Bear in Comics by Carl Barks from Dell Our Gang
Barney Bear Our Gang Comics by Carl Barks


cartoon Wacky Wolf stares at himself in the mirror comic art by Bob Wickersham
Wacky Wolf by Bob Wickersham


Lil Bad Wolf silhouette in the moonlight by Carl Buettner
Carl Buettner’s Li’l Bad Wolf


and there is a whole LOT more, too --especially if you're a fan of classic animated cartoons!

If you want to browse all of the comics-related posts at once,
just click on this link>>
Funny Animal Comic Book Scans

Update #1: Screwy Squirrel Comics
screwy squirrel cartoon drawing reading a book upside don on a tree branch
by Carl Buettner, from Our Gang No. 14, 1944

Hey Thad...thanks a bunch! Great Stuff ^_^

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