Superkatt Comic Scans by Dan Gordon and Lots More Dan G. Comics Links!

Superkatt walking a tightrope power line
Classic Comics blogger "Pappy" has posted a Superkatt comic book scan by Dan Gordon. This story is from from Giggle Comics #54, June 1948. Click on the cover to read the whole 10-pager over at Pappy’s Golden Age Comics Blogzine.
Superkatt by dan gordon comic book scans
It (happily) blows my mind that they could get away with a cover like this… cartoon and comics were a lot more funny when cartoonists could draw what makes THEM laugh, and not worry about what a bunch of old ladies in the standards office are thinking.
C’mon --Getting electrocuted is FUNNY!
kids in school desks laughing
More Dan Gordon SuperKatt comic stories can be found at:
scratch the cat by Dan Gordon
…and more Dan Gordon comic scans here at CartoonSNAP:
Click on these comic scan images to jump to the posts!
and here’s a comprehensive biography of Dan Gordon
that I wrote for The Comics Journal #291…

They're Called "Fillers" for a Reason

Daffy and Doodle Logo Boy Commandos #22 1947
From Boy Commandos #22 July-August 1947, It's Daffy & Doodle!

Signed by LIT-WIN.

Daffy and Doodle Boy Commandos #22 - Page 48 
Here's an advertisement from the same comic that packs a lot of story in a single page!
Kid Pep comic book advertisement Boy Commandos 22 Pg 29 1947
Meet Kid Pep!
Athletic spokesman for Kellogg's PEP Cereal
Kid Pep Rescues a SteepleJack Boy Commandos 22 Pg 29 1947 
It's the Sunshine Cereal...says so right on the box!
Kid Pep comic book advertisement Kelloggs Pep cereal 
PS...Listen to Superman Monday through Friday

Moon Merriment! More Cosmo the Merry Martian Comics

Cosmo the Merry Martian - 1 of 6 - 12
Cosmo the Merry Martian - 1 of 6 - 13
Cosmo the Merry Martian - 1 of 6 - 14
Cosmo the Merry Martian - 1 of 6 - 15
Cosmo the Merry Martian - 1 of 6 - 16
Cosmo the Merry Martian - 1 of 6 - 17
Cosmo the Merry Martian - 1 of 6 - 18
Come on back tomorrow for the thrilling conclusion!

ArtRage #6 – Painting SpongeBob, Adding Highlights and Shadows

ArtRage digital painting tutorial video highlights and shadows
Click on the image above to watch the ArtRage Video Tutorial

We’re finally getting to SpongeBob in these
ArtRage digital painting tutorial videos!
SpongeBob color ArtRage digital painting video
There’s a lot of color mixing in this lesson, and most of it has to do with creating shadows and highlights.
SpongeBob color ArtRage digital painting lighter tones
SpongeBob’s whole face and body are basically just yellow, so I’ve gotta make sure the colors look alive and dimensional. I’ll take advantage of the easy-to-use ArtRage color picker to find variations in the color that represent the sunlight coming in from the upper left…
SpongeBob color ArtRage digital painting darker tones
… and the shadows created on the forms on the lower right.
SpongeBob color ArtRage digital painting darker shadows
How are YOUR ArtRage paintings coming along?
If you'd like to share your digital art success stories -- along with your art and links to your site -- just leave a comment with your info, or email me at:
sherm (at)
...and replace the (at) with @.

Previous ArtRage Tutorial Videos:

Previous ArtRage Tutorial Videos:
ArtRage #1 - Intro to ArtRage 2.5
ArtRage #2 - Mixing Colors on the Canvas
ArtRage #3 Painting Reflective Light
ArtRage #4 - More Reflective Light & Colors
ArtRage #5 – Bump Modes & Finishing Patrick
Here's Video #6 in YouTube format:

Here's a quick summary of the other tutorials in this series:

More ArtRage Success Stories: David, Ryan & Ivan

The most exciting part about making this ArtRage tutorial video series is when I hear from readers that putting these lessons to work in their own paintings and cartoons! Last time we saw the Illustrator and ArtRage work of Julián Hoek , and today I’d like to show off the fine digital painting of three more new ArtRage fans….
David Gale has use ArtRage to experiment in a few different styles! Here’s the latest episode of his Mustard Jar comic, completely colored with ArtRage 2.5 digital paints

Mustard Jar comics by David Gale
Ryan Kramer painted this cartoon title card in ArtRage 2.5

Ryan Kramer Mustache title card

and Ivan Dixon followed the Adobe Illustrator tutorials to ink his Sydney character,
…which he then painted with ArtRage 2.5
(Sydney figure only…background painted in Photoshop)
Thanks to Ivan, Ryan and Dave for sharing their ArtRage paintings!
If you'd like to share your digital art success stories -- along with your art and links to your site -- just leave a comment with your info, or email me at:

sherm (at)

...and replace the (at) with @.

Previous ArtRage Tutorial Videos:

I just finished the next ArtRage video about painting highlights and shadows on SpongeBob, and it will be coming up NEXT post!
SpongeBob ArtRage 2.5 digital painting video highlights and shadows
See you then!

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