Halloween SpongeBob Magazine Cover Painting

SpongeBob ArtRage Pumpkin Halloween Nicelodeon Magazine
(Click on the image above for a bigger version)

Submitted for your Pumpkin-Day viewing is the painting I did for last year's Halloween issue of SpongeBob SquarePants Magazine...a special Halloween themed portrait of SpongeBob and Patrick as seen from inside a Jack-o-Lantern pumpkin.

Here are a few thumbnails of the work in progress:

SpongeBob steps painting process Halloween Pumpkin cover Nickelodeon Magazine

SpongeBob Patrick Pumpkin Nickelodeon magazine Halloween pumpkin ArtRage digital art
(Click on the cover above for a bigger version)

...and here's the published version with all the word-balloons, headlines and logos.This was painted digitally using the fantastic (and cheap) graphics program, ArtRage 2.5

Ugly Stickers by Basil Wolverton, Wally Wood and Norman Saunders

Ugly stickers 044 topps basil wolverton wally wood norman saunders

In 1965 Topps created a series of Ugly Stickers featuring the art of Basil Wolverton, Wally Wood and Norman Saunders. Check out the beautifully hideous artwork at:

Ugly stickers 032 topps basil wolverton wally wood norman saunders
Ugly stickers 081 topps basil wolverton wally wood norman saunders

…and a video presentation courtesy of the “Hooray for Wally Wood” blog:

Painter Norman Saunders shares some goodies, too!

Ugly stickers 073 topps basil wolverton wally wood norman saunders
Have an ugly time!

WonderWorm IV: “The Battle” – Funny Animal Comics from the Golden Age

 Cartoon dinosaur and comic book worm Taffy_23

Welcome to the fourth part in the story of Wiggles the Wonderworm from 1945's Taffy Comics #1. If you missed the first three chapters of this golden age funny animal comic book adventure, you can find them here:

Part 1: Wiggles meets the Professor 
Part 2: Casanova's Rescue Party 
cartoon dinosaur funny animal comic book Wonderworm Taffy_26wonderworm battles cartoon dinosaur Taffy_27

Click on any image to open up
a full-sized vintage comic book scan

 cartoon dinosaur funny animal comic book Wonderworm Taffy_28
Next chapter: The Monster’s Cave!

Death From the Sun – Taffy Comics Part 3

Wonderworm cartoon worm and spider Funny Animal Comics Taffy_15

Welcome to the third part in the story of Wiggles the Wonderworm from 1945's Taffy Comics #1. If you missed the first two chapters of this golden age funny animal comic book adventure, you can find them here:
Wonderworm cartoon worm and spider Funny Animal Comics Taffy_16
Wonderworm cartoon worm and spider Funny Animal Comics Taffy_17 Wonderworm cartoon worm and spider Funny Animal Comics Taffy_18
Wonderworm cartoon worm and spider Funny Animal Comics Taffy_19 Wonderworm cartoon worm and spider Funny Animal Comics Taffy_20
Wonderworm cartoon worm and spider Funny Animal Comics Taffy_21 Wonderworm cartoon worm and spider Funny Animal Comics Taffy_22
Next Chapter: Wonderworm in “The Battle”

Gold Key Comics Treasures - Another Fine Comic Book Blog

The last time I wrote about Gold Key comics, I talked about the huge contrast between the gorgeous painted covers and the often-boring-as-cardboard interiors. Although a LOT of great stuff appeared in the Gold Key line, it's a lot of work to find the treasures among the drek.

Fortunately, there's a new comic book blog on the block that features the best of the hidden Gold Key gems. The Gold Key Comics! blog has lots of high-quality, high resolution scans of cherry-picked content from comics like Boris Karloff's Tales of Mystery and Grimm's Ghost Stories. I'm sure many more will follow, so I suggest you get in on the ground floor of this new blog; Click here: Gold Key Comics! at http://www.goldkeystories.com/

Read...Enjoy...Bookmark that sucker!

Casanova’s Rescue Party – Taffy Comics Part 2

Casanova’s Rescue Party – cartoon spider Taffy Comics_09

Here's the second chapter in the saga of Wiggles the Wonderworm from 1945's Taffy Comics #1. If you missed the first chapter of this golden age funny animal comic book adventure, you can find it here:

Casanova’s Rescue Party – cartoon spider and turtle Taffy Comics_10
Casanova’s Rescue Party – Taffy Comics_11 Casanova’s Rescue Party – Taffy Comics_12
Casanova’s Rescue Party – Taffy Comics_13 Casanova’s Rescue Party – Taffy Comics_14
Next Chapter: Death From The Sun!

The Epic Begins HERE: Taffy Comics - Wiggles the Wonderworm

Taffy Comics - Wiggles the Wonderworm_01

Welcome to the first chapter of an epic funny animal adventure from 1945's Taffy Comics #1, starring Wiggles the Wonderworm. This comic was produced by L. B. Cole and published by Rural Home/Orbit Publications. Click on any of the pages to open up a BIG comic books scan!

Taffy Comics - Wiggles the Wonderworm_02Taffy Comics - Wiggles the Wonderworm_03
Taffy Comics - Wiggles the Wonderworm_04Taffy Comics - Wiggles the Wonderworm_05
Taffy Comics - Wiggles the Wonderworm_06Taffy Comics - Wiggles the Wonderworm_07
Taffy Comics - Wiggles the Wonderworm_08

Check back soon
for the next thrilling chapter

Casanova’s Rescue Party

Taffy Comics Cover - Wiggles the Wonderworm

You can find out more about Taffy Comics and Wiggles the Wonderworm at:
and at ComicVine:
More on L.B. Cole at:

Storyboards from Where the Wild Things Are

Storyboards from Where The Wild Things Are

I just came across some storyboard art from Where The Wild Things Are at http://www.smashboxstudios.com/yello/?p=858

Storyboard art from Where The Wild Things Are

I haven't seen the movie, but what I really liked about this article was the interview with Storyboard Artist Federico D’Alessandro. He talks about the creative process of drawing storyboards while on the set of the movie, and about his creative interactions with the director Spike Jonze.

Storyboard Artist Federico D’Alessandro is a very accomplished feature film board artist...his credits include I Am Legend and Chronicles of Narnia, and he is working on Marvel's THOR movie as well. His website has storyboard examples from many different films: http://www.thefilmartist.com/

Storyboards action car chase sequence

D’Alessandro ends the interview with some good advice on what it takes to get a job as a storyboard artist -- as you would expect, there's no magic formula, but at least he's candid and realistic about the job prospects.

Comic Book Scans - A New Fountain of Youth at The Big Blog of Kids' Comics

comic book scans - funny animal comic books and harvey comics and Little Lulu
Welcome a new entry to the world of comic book blogs: Mykal's "The Big Blog of Kids' Comics!" This wonderful new blog is full of classic comics scans from the golden age of funny animals and other jewels like Harvey comics and Little Lulu, too. Take a look at: http://www.bigblogcomics.com

The scans are good quality, and when you click on the comic pages you get to look at a nice big scan that's easy to read. Classy stuff all the way. Make sure to bookmark The Big Blog of Kids' Comics 'cause you'll want to come back to it often. Thanks, Mykal!

Meet Wiggles the WonderWorm – Golden Age Funny Animal Comic Book Scans

WonderWorm by L.B. Cole Cartoon Superhero worm Taffy Comics #1 Cover

Obscure Funny Animal Comics Department: Meet Wiggles the Wonderworm from L.B. Cole’s 1945 Taffy Comics…Published by Rural Home/Orbit Publications.

Cartoon superhero worm battles Hitler Spider Wiggles the WonderWorm
Wartime comics often had superheroes battling the Axis powers, but I’ve never seen anything like this image of Wonderworm fighting a Hitler-Spider!

 Wiggles the WonderWorm Taffy Comics 3

 Wiggles the WonderWorm Taffy_4

 cartoon worm fights thugs over comic book cityscape Wiggles the WonderWorm ToyTown 3

Over the next few days I will be posting every chapter from the epic adventures of WonderWorm from Taffy Comics #1 March 1945

Aside from the actual comic book scans, the only other information I’ve found on Wiggles the Wonderworm is at:

Don Markstein’s Toonopedia

and at ComicVine.com:

Adobe Illustrator Cartoon Inking Tutorials - Now in ONE Convenient Playlist!

The Adobe Illustrator Cartoon Inking tutorials I created a few months ago have been a big hit on YouTube...thanks to everybody that left comments and ratings!

From some of the questions I get, I realized that it isn't very easy to find all the tutorials in one place, so I created a "Playlist" on YouTube that includes all the videos:

Even though you can watch them
on YouTube, I recommend you
use the list below to watch them
(with written and visual commentary)
in a LARGER, high-resolution format...
right here on the CartoonSnap blog:

here is the COMPLETE list of all eleven
Adobe Illustrator
"Freehand Brush
Cartoon Inking Tutorial Videos":

#11 - Inking Patrick and onward to Photoshop

Because of the way that Illustrator is usually taught, a lot of people have no idea that you can do beautiful freehand cartoon inking with the freehand brush tool in Adobe Illustrator. If you want to quickly learn to do digital cartoon inking in Illustrator, you're gonnna love these videos.

Sketches from Danger Planet!

Danger Planet Deer head alien
Have you seen the Danger Planet pilot yet? Somebody managed to leak the Cartoon Network pilot out of development limbo and onto YouTube:

Well, there’s a lot more cool cartooning goodies where that came from. Show creator Derek Drymon is sharing a pile of concept art on his new Danger Planet Blog
Danger Planet cartoon Robot lift sketch by Derek Drymon
Here’s one of the delicious background paintings from the show…reminiscent of the semi-abstract science fiction paperback paintings by Richard Powers. These were painted by master designer Nick Jennings!
Danger Planet background painting by Nick Jennings
Lots of funky character designs by Craig McCracken, Thaddeus Couldron and of course Derek Drymon!
Captain character design sketch by Craig McCracken from Danger Planet
This stuff is only a tiny sample of the cartoon bounty over at Derek’s new Danger Planet Blog…go on over and take a look, and then call up Cartoon Network and tell ‘em we want more Danger Planet!

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