Dateless Dorothy becomes Dazzling Dotty! Gals…Get Hep to Happiness!

Dateless Dorothy Mini Gym 01 Dateless Dorothy Mini Gym 02 Dateless Dorothy Mini Gym 03 Dateless Dorothy Mini Gym 04 Dateless Dorothy Mini Gym 05 Dateless Dorothy Mini Gym 06 This heartwarming tale is from My Friend Irma #20
My Friend Irma 20 cover Dan DecarloDateless Dorothy Mini Gym 07 The full comic book ad is below:Dateless Dorothy Mini Gym Full Page Comic Book Fitness Ad

With some highlights and details
you won’t wanna miss…

Dateless Dorothy Mini Gym 08 Dateless Dorothy Mini Gym 09 Dateless Dorothy Mini Gym 10 …and this little bonus ad from the same comic book:

Save Your Hair My Friend Irma #20 - Page 32

Felix Friday Fiesta – Fantastic Fun!

Felix_Rainbow-endpaper-otto-messmer Have you ever seen a more beautiful drawing?
Click here
for more on the book
A few weeks ago, the wonderful new book, "Felix: The Great Comic Book Tails" was released, and I posted a great Felix comic by Otto Messmer, “Felix in Public Elations,” to honor the occasion.That one was from 1953’s Felix the Cat #48
But today, thanks to Craig Yoe,
I get to share a full 16-page story
(and my personal favorite!) from the new book.
This one’s called, “Felix Pulls Through” Magic Carpet Felix_The_Cat_Pulls_Through_01Long before his “Bag of Tricks,”  Felix had a magic carpet that transported his to adventures across the world, across space and time, and over the boundaries of fantasy and wild imagination! Magic Carpet Felix_The_Cat_Pulls_Through_02-03 Magic Carpet volcano Felix_The_Cat_Pulls_Through_04-05
These vintage comic stories read like breakneck-paced fever dreams of a master cartoonist cutting loose and having fun! soldiers Felix_The_Cat_Pulls_Through_06-07 cannonball Felix_The_Cat_Pulls_Through_08-09 airplanes Felix_The_Cat_Pulls_Through_10-11 Horse and Tank Felix_The_Cat_Pulls_Through_12-13 Cartoon King Felix_The_Cat_Pulls_Through_14-15
Felix_The_Cat_Pulls_Through_16 I love that Otto Messmer was totally unconcerned with continuity or plot or story-arcs or anything else that stand in the way of his brand of pure cartoon joy.
FANTASTIC FELIX FRIDAY ~ TO-LEFTThis post is just one of many across the comics-blogosphere celebrating the release of the new Felix the Cat book!

Click HERE to find the book on
Check out these other Felix-loving comic blogs
for MANY more vintage Felix comics:
Be sure to click on the illustration below to enjoy it in its full-sized cartoony glory!

New Sergio Aragonés Book -- 50 years of Mad Cartoons in a 272-page Hardcover

Brand new BIG collection of Sergio Aragonés cartoons from MAD Magazine: "Sergio Aragones - Five Decades of His Finest Works." Yippee!

For the first time (since 1979's Sergio Aragones on Parade), here is a “greatest hits” collection of one of MAD’s most popular and prolific artists—Sergio Aragonés—hand-picked by the artist and featuring his greatest work from his debut with MAD in 1963 to the present. Assembled chronologically, it’s packed with 272 pages of cartoons,interviews, and a special pull-out poster of Sergio’s “Marginals,” the wildly popular mini-cartoons that have appeared in MAD’s margins for over 40 years.

Just arrived today at!

Super Rabbit is a SUPER Comic!

Here are some super old-timey funny-animal comics that I think you'll dig:
Super Rabbit Vol.1 # 3 from Comedy Publications, Inc.

Click on any of these pages to see a HUGE 300dpi detailed scan!

What does 300dpi look like?
Well, when you click on these pages,
you'll get to see them
with detail like these panels below...

I mean, if I'm gonna bother to scan them,
I might as well do it at a good resolution!

...and you can't really appreciate this beautiful linework unless you see it up close. I'm not sure who the artist is on these stories. Vince Fago is my best guess, but that's based on memory alone because I can't find anything to confirm it. I remember that Vince Fago had a very distinctive lettering style, too...and that lettering shows up in these pages.

I only have this one issue of Super Rabbit, and I haven't been able to find very much info on the Internet. I found this cover (below) which was credited to Vince Fago. If he drew that cover, then he probably drew this story.

More sample panels from Super Rabbit #3

What I have been able to find out is that Super Rabbit was created by Ernie Hart and appeared in the Timely comic book line. Super Rabbit's appearance changed pretty drastically over the course of just a few issues. You can see the morphing of Super Rabbit at this great website that features cover galleries of many Atlas and Timely Comics. This was the publishing house that eventually became Marvel Comics, but in the 1950's they published an enormous range of magazine and comic book styles and genres.

Click on any of these pages to see a HUGE 300dpi detailed scan!

Click on any of these pages to see a HUGE 300dpi detailed scan!

Click on any of these pages to see a HUGE 300dpi detailed scan!

Click on any of these pages to see a HUGE 300dpi detailed scan!

Click on any of these pages to see a HUGE 300dpi detailed scan!

Click on any of these pages to see a HUGE 300dpi detailed scan!

Click on any of these pages to see a HUGE 300dpi detailed scan!

More info on Super Rabbit and Timely Comics and Ernie Hart and Vince Fago at:

Robots Just Wanna Have Fun - Axel and Cam comics by Bud Sagendorf

Popeye #28 - Page 29 Axel and Cam Robot Comics Bud Sagendorf Popeye cartoon Raft LakeAxel & Cam backup story from 1953 Dell
Popeye #28 Written & Drawn by Bud Sagendorf
Popeye #28 - Page 30 Axel and Cam Robot Comics Bud Sagendorf Popeye cartoon comic book Popeye #28 - Page 31 Axel and Cam Robot Comics Bud Sagendorf Popeye cartoon comic book Popeye #28 - Page 32 Axel and Cam Robot Comics Bud Sagendorf Popeye cartoon comic book Popeye #28 - Page 33 Axel and Cam Robot Comics Bud Sagendorf Popeye cartoon comic book Popeye #28 - Page 34 Axel and Cam Robot Comics Bud Sagendorf Popeye cartoon comic book …and be sure to check out the FIRST appearance
of Axel and Cam from Popeye #26 by Bud Sagendorf
Popeye #26 - Page 29
And lots more obscure "Sherm" comics by Bud Sagendorf:

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