Secret Harvey Kurtzman Comic Book Activity Page from 1949

Little Aspirin's tricky tricks Harvey Kurtzman magic comic book filler page These pages aren’t signed, but they’re certainly the work of  genius cartoonist Harvey Kurtzman!Harvey Kurtzman magic tricks comic book filler page Little Aspirin
I came across these pages while flipping through dozens of comic scans…looking for some cool comic oddity to share on the blog. But THIS! *swoon*
Harvey Kurtzman magic tricks comic book filler page 1949 Little Aspirin
Little Aspirin Harvey Kurtzman magic tricks comic book filler page Based on the ever-evolving  cartooning styles during Harvey Kurtzman’s pre-MAD “Hey Look” comics, I’d peg these as being drawn around 1947.
Little Aspirin #1 1949 comic book
From “Little Aspirin” #1 July 1949

The Little Aspirin comic was published in 1949, but I’m betting these filler pages were sitting around for a couple years before they were published.
Little Aspirin #1 indicia 

First-Ever Photos of the Storyboard Secrets 10-DVD Boxed Set

 10 DVDs - 20 Topics - 13 Hours of Practical Instruction.
The DVD course debuted on Friday at CTNX

CTNX was amazingly great, and we met tons of great cartoonists!

For more info on the 10-DVD Box Set, please send an email to:

Coo Coo Kids Comics starring Supermouse

Great stuff over at the Big Blog of Kids' Comics!
This Supermouse story is
the purest example of a FUN comic book!
Click HERE for the whole beautiful comic
-- Thanks, Mykal!

Ghettomation Guru Jim Lujan

Heroes don't take vacations. Crime does not nap.
Apparently, neither does indy animator Jim Lujan!

Jim Lujan is making some of the best indy animation around; he calls it Ghettomation. No fancy stuff. Just good stories, compelling characters and awesome funked-out art.

Here's my very favorite Lujanimation: FreakDaddy!

I've been meaning to post his stuff for a long time, but I can find the words to explain how much his cartoons rock my world. So check it out for yerself right here, on Jim's YouTube channel:

He's even got a couple of DVD's out ...

Jim Lujan is a one-man animation studio -- he writes, draws, animates, does all voices and music too! And he just keeps going and going. Jim's been making cartoons for years...sometimes there's a new one every six weeks or so!

See how happy they make me?
As you can see in this cartoon, Hittin' Switchez," Jim has a marvelous way of capturing the bleak suburban strip-mall culture of southern California. A totally unique take on the weirdness of the real world...

His DIY "get-it-done-and-move-on-to-the-next-cartoon" ethos has inspired me greatly. And he's a swell dude, too. Get a glimpse at his creative process in these cool interviews: Jim and I even did a podcast together: Sherm's Ghettomation episode!

Check out all of Jim Lujan's  Ghettomation goodness at:

Tell him Freakdaddy sent you.

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