SpongeBob Cover Process Sketches

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SpongeBob-Comics-Cover-Sketch-Bongo-07Last year I had the pleasure of drawing and painting the cover for the first issue of SpongeBob Comics (see above).

Being the first issue, there was a LOT of behind-the-scenes work – we all wanted to give this cover a lot of impact! Here’s a look at some of the various sketches that I drew in the process of developing the cover…

SpongeBob Comics Bongo Cover Roughs sheet 1250px
Click on the images above to get a bigger look at all those little sketches.

Here’s a look at the finished pencil art (below)…
SB comic cover pencils v5_small
…and in the next few days I’ll be going into more detail with a lot more raw sketches from the SpongeBob Comics cover project. Check back soon for more Smile

More Sketchy Fun with Index Cards

A few days a go I posted the little happy dude that jumped out of my pen…here’s a couple more stream-of-consciousness sketches that escaped from the ink barrel of my doodle pen…Sketches 2012 001_SpittingSketches 2012 001_Tooting
More to come? Only time (and your comments) will tell….

I’m Happy! Index Card Doodle

Sherm Cohen Index Card doodle sketch cartoon man says  I'm HAPPY!
Nice to start off the week with a happy thought. I grabbed a few index cards before heading into a meeting, and this is what came out Smile

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