"How Television Will CHANGE Your Future!" Vintage "Real Fact" Comic Book from 1948 - They Nailed It!

"How Television Will CHANGE Your Future!"
Vintage "Real Fact" Comic Book 1948

These comic book writers and artists really nailed it in terms of predicting online schools, pervasive video cameras capturing everything, and and especially the proliferation of live satellite and wireless feeds that overwhelm us with global "news."

‎"How to Deal With Women" -- Vintage Comic Book Ad

‎"How to Get Along With Girls" Comic book advertisement from "Blackstone the Magician" 1948
How to attract women comic book advertisement

"No more clumsy mistakes for you -- get the real McCoy on how to deal with women in this amazing handbook."

From "Blackstone the Magician" 1948
cartoon boy running to stage magician with metal ring around floating woman assistant

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