Dick Briefer Does Dinosaurs and Cavemen Cartoons at Pappy's

Cartoon Dinosaur fans rejoice! Pappy's Golden Age Comic Blogzine brings us Yankee Longago -- a beautiful seven-page prehistoric romp (scanned from from Boy Comics #13, December 1943) by the wonderful Golden Age cartoonist, Dick Briefer!
cartoon dinosaurs in Dick Briefercomic adventure Yankee Longago
Click on any image to jump right over
and read the full-size 7-pager over at Pappy's
This silly yarn is seven-pages full of goofy situations and beautifully loose brushwork, typical of Dick Briefer when he's in his humor mode.

Cartoon Cavemen Running from a rampaging dinosaur drawing by Dick Briefer
Look at those faces...there's no "stock expressions" there.
Dick Briefer's funny comics always look like they were drawn straight to ink, with only the slightest bit of pencil breakdowns. They have that spontaneous look I love!

Big Cartoon Dinosaur with a comic caveman in his mouth

Dick Briefer is best known for his TWO classic Frankenstein comic book series. The first Frankenstein series was a humor comic, and later, in the fifties when horror comics were the rage, he re-launched the Frankenstein series as a straight horror book. The weird thing is that BOTH takes are absolute classics in their respective genres.
Cartoon caveman drawn by Frankenstein comics artist Dick Briefer
G'wan over to Pappy's and check out the whole seven-page inkfest. It starts out silly and ends up...well--let's just say that you've gotta see what happens on the top of page seven!

More on Dick Briefer's Frankenstein:

Three funny Dick Briefer comic stories at the American Comic Archive

More Fantastic Frankenstein comics scans at Pappy's:


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