King Aroo and Yuptop Meet the Sloth - More Sunday Color Funnies by Jack Kent

Here's another King Aroo Sunday comic strip scan...
this one from March 9th, 1952!
Click on any image for a BIG high-resolution comic strip scan!
King Aroo and Yuptop chat with a cartoon sloth King_Aroo_Sunday_030952-01
Why is it you sloths always hang upside down like that? King_Aroo_Sunday_030952-02
Yuptop thinks the sloth is lazy King_Aroo_Sunday_030952-03
cartoon sloth is hungry in King_Aroo_Sunday_030952-05
King Aroo meets a cartoon sloth hanging from a tree
and the whole King Aroo Sunday strip scan is right below:
King Aroo Sunday strip scan
There you'll also find a list of links that talk about King Aroo creator Jack Kent and his works!

Update: Many more King Aroo Sunday Comics scans right HERE.
Update #2: Still MORE King Aroo dailies and Sunday strips HERE.


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