The Dark Side - Mort Meskin Goes Gothic in this Inky Nightmare Comic

LOOK in the doorway Kirby gothic horror
An interesting change of pace in this last dream story from The Strange World of Your Dreams #1

I just learned from Ger Appledorn and Steven Brower (after mis-attributing this story to Kirby/Meskin) that Mort Meskin was the co-creator of this comic series with Jack Kirby, and that it's Mort Meskin's art that brings this story to life!

This story breaks the usual format and tells a self-contained tale without the ever-present dream analyst Richard Temple. This poor guy is left to wander his inky dreamscape alone. I love the evocative shadows and inking in this story (Steven Brower suggests that George "Inky" Roussos was the inker).

Anyway -- to me, the panel below is the creepiest drawing in the whole story...

creepy sihouette of a man in doorway

Here's the whole tale below. Pleasant dreams!
Gothic nightmare Jack Kirby 01The Dreaming Tower
Click on pages to open a nightmarishly BIG comic scan
Gothic nightmare Jack Kirby 02 Gothic nightmare Jack Kirby 03
Gothic nightmare Jack Kirby 04 Gothic nightmare Jack Kirby 05
Gothic nightmare Jack Kirby 06 Gothic nightmare Jack Kirby 07
Many more nightmares to come! See you soon...


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