Secret Sketchbook Scribbles by Sherm

Sherm Sketchbook 003 cartoon face
I don't keep a "real" sketchbook in the strictest sense of the word. I scribble and doodle on Post-its and scraps of paper because my mind and pen can wander freely ...without worrying about it being permanently in a book.
Then I paste them onto 8 1/2 x 11 paper, punch holes and stick 'em in a binder. Boom. Sketchbook.
Sherm Sketchbook 001
Apparently I really like drawing big noses.
Sherm Sketchbook 010 dinosaur caveman
CartoonSNAP regulars FrankenBarry, Chris Allison and Julian Hoek asked to see some more sketches, so here they are...
Sherm Sketchbook 007 cartoon characters
Some of these go back to SpongeBob days...
...always fun to draw those guys off-model ^_^
I'm not sure what all this means, but there it is!
Sherm Sketchbook 004 cartoon kid Sherm Sketchbook 002 cartoon rabbit


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