Jeep & Peep – Dynamic Golden Age Comics Penwork by Charles Voight

I just discovered this great artist in the pages of “Jeep Comics.” Check out the amazingly fluid and dynamic artwork by Charles Voight!
Jeep and Peep fighting on airplane wing comic
It’s not just the dynamic angles and composition, but the linework itself is so spontaneous and zippy.
Giant cartoon tree grabs ship
Love that freaky tree creature!
Flying car blasts anthropomorphic comic trees
Charles Voight's penwork reminds me of a cross between Everett Raymond Kinstler and Willard Mullin. Those faces below are great. Check out the depth in the composition…
Evil scientist comic book villainsSuper hero comic flying carcomic book villains
Enough of the preview; Check out the whole story below, from Jeep Comics #1
Jeep Comics cartoon trees
Click on any page to see the BIG comic scan…
Jeep and Peep Case of the Rioting TreesJeep005Jeep006Jeep007Jeep008Jeep009Jeep010Jeep011Jeep012Jeep013Jeep014Jeep and Peep comic book scans

 Another blisteringly wild Charles Voight comic book tale here:

And still more terrific comic book scans featuring the art of Charles Voight are here:

Thanks to Chris Duffy for the info :)


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